What our barrel warranty covers:

Rainier Arms warranties the workmanship and manufacturing process of our barrels to be free of defects. Any barrel that is defective as shipped will be replaced/refunded by Rainier Arms, regardless of the time since purchase, so long as the barrel has not been shot or is otherwise no longer warrantied (see below).

Additionally, Rainier Arms guarantees that any barrel from our Match or Ultramatch product lines, except pistol caliber barrels, will shoot a 1 MOA 5-shot group or better at 100 yards with factory match-grade ammunition and a correctly built rifle.

What our barrel warranty does not cover:

Rainier Arms does not warranty our barrels for function, accuracy or longevity with reloaded or hand-loaded ammunition.

Rainier Arms does not warranty our barrels against normal wear and tear. Barrels are a consumable item, and as they are shot the accuracy and function will eventually degrade. Rainier Arms may, after inspection, determine that a barrel has exceeded it’s useful round count and is no longer warrantied.

Rainier Arms does not warranty function or accuracy for any barrel that has been altered or modified in any way by any individual or 3rd party company. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Polishing/modification of feed ramps.
  • Polishing/modification of the chamber.
  • Change/modification of the barrel profile or length.
  • Modification to the muzzle threads (including pinning and welding of muzzle devices).
  • Application of aftermarket finishes including cerakote, durakote, and nitride.

Rainier Arms does not warranty function or accuracy for any barrel that has experienced abuse or neglect. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Use of products advertised or designed to “speed up” barrel break in or to polish the bore. 
  • Use of Match or Ultramatch barrels on select-fire/machine gun lowers.
  • Improper installation of barrel or related components.
  • Rust due to improper storage.


How to take advantage of our warranty

If you need to return or replace your barrel under warranty for a manufacturing or workmanship defect prior to installation or shooting, please notify us as soon as possible by email at [email protected] or [email protected], and include pictures/descriptions of the defect. You will receive a return label and return form within 2 business days. 

If you believe that your barrel requires replacement under our accuracy or function guarantee, please email [email protected] or [email protected] with your rifle details including the make and model of the following items:

  • Gas block
  • Bolt Carrier Group (or Bolt and Carrier, if from different companies)
  • Gas Rings
  • Muzzle device (and suppressor if being used)
  • Buffer tube assembly (Buffer tube, buffer, and buffer spring)
  • Upper and lower receivers
  • Handguard
  • Trigger
  • Optic
  • Optic mount


Please also include information on the ammunition you are using and what you are using for lubrication on the rifle, as well as information regarding any trouble-shooting that you have already attempted. A gunsmith or technician will contact you within 2 business days with additional troubleshooting questions/recommendations to attempt to resolve your accuracy issues remotely.

If we are unable to resolve your rifle’s accuracy issues by email or phone, we will provide you with a shipping label and paperwork to send in your complete rifle system to us for testing. We will require your rifle as shot (including optics and suppressor if applicable) and at least one magazine for testing.

Rainier Arms does not warranty our barrels for function, accuracy or longevity with reloaded or hand-loaded ammunition.

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