Charitable Contributions and Sponsorship Policy - Resilient Warrior Foundation

The 501(c)3 Non-Profit - Resilient Warrior Foundation (RWF) is grateful for the many gifts and contributions it receives and believes that private giving plays a vital role in extending and enriching the services of our Veteran community in need. Donations to the RWF may qualify for a charitable deduction. However, the responsibility and cost for such assessment lie with the donor, and the RWF recommends that donors consult a tax professional with their questions.


Note: RWF will provide necessary documents about any potential deduction if need be and directed by a tax professional. 



Our Resilient Warrior Charity donation program provides those in the community with various philanthropic interests the opportunity to pay it forward to our veterans through gifts and monetary donations. The intent is not to compete with other non-profits or groups but to provide those specifically interested in veteran advocacy projects the opportunity to give back and create a positive impact. With our methods enabled, giving back will be intuitive to the donor. Providing monetary donations will be convenient. 



Encourage the donation of facilities, cash, services, and/or equipment to RWF by establishing clear guidelines for giving. 

Ensure contributions are consistent with the aesthetic and functional integrity of Resilient Warrior's existing proposed facilities, standards, and goals. 

Ensure donations are not causing unbudgeted expenditures or significant ongoing maintenance responsibility for the RWF. 

Ensure that donations do not create liability for the RWF concerning the health and safety of facility users. 

Encourage gifts made in memory of or in recognition of a person or event have proper dedications visible. 



Donations to RWF must be consistent with the established goals and objectives for RWF. Donations made in memory of or in recognition of a person, event, or another phenomenon must be consistent with any adopted policies on "Naming of Donated Items and Facilities," when available. In cases where the donation is inconsistent with Resilient Warrior's policies, the Board will attempt to identify alternatives for the donor’s consideration and approval. 

All donations, other than cash, shall be considered "gifts for facility improvements" to the Resilient Warrior Foundation for the enjoyment of the Foundation's veterans. 

All items purchased or accepted by donation will receive standard levels of maintenance. The Resilient Warrior Foundation Board shall revise this policy as necessary. 

Conversely, if a donation is approved and a veteran opposes the donation, that veteran also has the right to appeal to the Board of RWF for reconsideration of the donation. 

The decision of the Resilient Warrior Foundation Board shall be final and binding.



Material donations are accepted with the understanding that they may be added taken or denied, given the item's condition. The RWF board members have direct say if the item should be accepted or returned. The RWF reserves the right to dispose of any gift without notification to the donor if, in the judgment of the RWF Board, such item no longer serves the purposes of the Foundation. The RWF will not automatically replace lost or damaged items. The Library reserves the right to distribute, donate, sell or discard donated materials that do not comply with the RWF Donations Standards Criteria. The RWF is unable to appraise or estimate the value of gift donations. Those making material donations may choose to receive a receipt for their material donations. In the case of an invoice needing to be procured, please email our Chief Operations Officer - Phillip Lim | [email protected] 



RWF accepts monetary donations given In Memory Of, In Honor Of, or general donations. All monetary donations are deposited into the Resilient Warrior Fund. Requests are considered, but the RWF board will determine the final use and allocation of funds accordingly. 


The Donor will have the opportunity to round up their expense when purchasing a good from Resilient Warrior, which will be deposited directly into the RWF Fund. Money raised by this method will go directly to improving Resilient Warrior's facilities.


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