Apex Tactical Specialties M&P Reset Assist Mechanism

Pistol Part

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Apex Tactical M&P Reset Assist Mechanism


The Apex Reset Assist Mechanism is a drop in part engineered to improve tactile trigger reset of your S&W M&P pistol. Along with improving the felt reset, the Apex RAM also serves as a failsafe in the unlikely event of a Trigger Return Spring breakage; keeping the trigger bar properly positioned under the sear and allowing the user to manually manipulate the trigger forward between shots.


  • This product works in Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm, .357 Sig and .40 S&W models only that DO NOT INCLUDE a thumb safety, Magazine Disconnect or the Internal Locking System.
  • This product will not work in VTAC Variant and some of the newest M&P Models due to change in sear housing block configuration. Please research S&W sear housing block change for M&P's. Not for S&W M&P's with the magazine disconnect safety.
More Information
SKU 100-069
Product Type Pistol Part
Manufacturer Apex Tactical Specialties
Option Smith & Wesson
Model S&W M&P
Platform Smith & Wesson

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